Hiring for BDO


1 Nos.
Full Time
0 To 10.0 Year(s)
3.00 LPA TO 4.50 LPA
BBA / BMS - Marketing; MBA/MMS/MPM/PGDM - Marketing
Job Description:



1.Devise effective territory sales and marketing strategies .

2.Analyze data to find the most efficient sales methods

3.Visit the corporates in Mumbai Area .

4.Should have good Communication Skill.

5.Pls note this is not an inside sales job.

6..Acquiring new  corporates and maintain relationship with the existing corporates .

Education :BBA/MBA



The world’s largest fragrance, incense, and prayer/puja essentials brand for over 72 years. We have spent three generations in creating and perfecting the art of fragrance and incense manufacturing. The scent of our incense reaches over 65 countries. An Indian brand with a truly global reach and following.
Since 1948, we have pioneered path-breaking industry innovations in fragrances, packaging, and marketing. Today, we have a rich curation of over 500 unique fragrances, a robust distribution network, and a one-stop online destination for fragrances and prayer essentials 

Company Profile

The world’s largest fragra---ce, i---ce---se, a---d prayer/puja esse---tials bra---d for over 72 years. We have spe---t three ge---eratio---s i--- creati---g a---d perfecti---g the art of fragra---ce a---d i---ce---se ma---ufacturi---g. The sce---t of our i---ce---se reaches over 65 cou---tries. A--- I---dia--- bra---d with a truly global reach a---d followi---g.
Si---ce 1948, we have pio---eered path-breaki---g i---dustry i------ovatio---s i--- fragra---ces, packagi---g, a---d marketi---g. Today, we have a rich curatio--- of over 500 u---ique fragra---ces, a robust distributio--- ---etwork, a---d a o---e-stop o---li---e desti---atio--- for fragra---ces a---d prayer esse---tials&---bsp;

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  • Recruiters will evaluate your candidature and will get in touch with you.

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